Exams MCQS Fluid Dynamics [Page-01]

Fluid Dynamics [Page-01]

Choose the correct answer from following options.

Which of the following is most complicated?

(a) Physics of solids
(b) Classic physics
(c) Physics of static fluids
(d) Physics of moving fluids

The analysis of fluid in motion is accomplished by assuming ______________.

(a) Mass is conserved
(b) Energy is conserved
(c) Mass and energy are conserved
(d) None of these

The equation of continuity is derived by assuming that _____________________________.

(a) Mass is conserved
(b) Energy is conserved
(c) Momentum is conserved
(d) All of these

The Bernoulli’s equation is derived on the basis of ___________________________.

(a) Law of conservation of mass
(b) Law of conservation of energy
(c) Law of conservation of momentum
(d) All of these

Which of the following effect between different layers of a flowing fluid is described in terms of viscosity of the fluid?

(a) Frictional
(b) Compton
(c) Ion exchange
(d) Thermal

The force required by a layer of moving fluid to slide over the neighboring layer is measured by _____________.

(a) Resistance
(b) Temperature
(c) Viscosity
(d) Surface tension

The viscosity of any liquid or gas ________________ zero.

(a) May be equal to
(b) Always greater than
(c) Always less than
(d) May be less than

The viscosity coefficient is usually denoted by the symbol ________.

(a) p
(b) ξ
(c) e
(d) n

The substances that can flow easily have coefficient of viscosity.

(a) Large
(b) Small
(e) Unit
(d) Zero

The unit of viscosity is ____________.

(a) Ns/m^2
(b) Ib-hr/ft^2
(c) Poise
(d) All of these

The SI unit of viscosity is ___________.

(a) cP
(b) Poise
(c) Ns/m^2
(d) All of these

The dimension of viscosity is ____________.

(a) [MLT]
(b) [ML^-1T^-1]
(c) [MLT’]
(d) [ML2T3]

Which of the following is the largest unit of viscosity?

(a) P
(b) cP
(c) Ns/m^2
(d) Ib-s/ft^2

Which of the following is the smallest unit of viscosity?

(a) P
(b) cP
(c) Ns/m^2
(d) Ib-s/ft^2

Which of the following has the largest coefficient of viscosity?

(a) Water
(b) Ethanol
(c) Honey
(d) Grease

Which of the following has the smallest coefficient of viscosity?

(a) Air
(b) Water
(c) Ethanol
(d) Methanol

The large retarding force is experienced by the car at high speed due to _______________.

(a) Weight
(b) Tyres
(c) Air
(d) Fuel

The viscosity of a fluid is its property.

(a) Fundamental
(b) Independent
(c) Dependent
(d) All of these

The viscosity of liquids generally with temperature.

(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Remains constant
(d) All of these

The viscosity of gases generally with increase temperature.

(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Remains constant
(d) All of these

An object moving through a fluid experiences a retarding force called ______________.

(a) Frictional force
(b) Gravitational force
(c) Electrical force
(d) Drag force

The drag force increases as the speed of object

(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Is halved
(d) None of these

The calculated drag force experienced by a moving fluid is usually

(a) Exact
(b) Approximate
(c) Large
(d) Small