Exams MCQS lndus Valley Civilization [Page-03]

lndus Valley Civilization [Page-03]

The picture of Buddha in human form was given by which school of art?

(A) Pala
(B) Gupta
(C) Ashoka
(D) Gandhara

The discovery of Gandhara division was done by_________ in 325-327 BC?

(A) Alexander the Great
(B) Aryan
(C) Gupta
(D) Ashoka

father of Alexander the Great was king of which country ?

(A) Egypt
(B) Persia
(C) Macedonia
(D) Greece

Name the first ruler of the Maurya Empire?

(A) Chandragupta
(B) Ashoka
(C) Salisuka
(D) Gupta

Heart attacks are more common in

(A) fat persons
(B) thin persons
(C) lazy people
(D) sportsmen

Heart attacks are more common in

(A) fat persons
(B) thin persons
(C) lazy people
(D) sportsmen

Heart attacks are more common in

(A) fat persons
(B) thin persons
(C) lazy people
(D) sportsmen

Heart attacks are more common in

(A) fat persons
(B) thin persons
(C) lazy people
(D) sportsmen

Heart attacks are more common in

(A) fat persons
(B) thin persons
(C) lazy people
(D) sportsmen

Heart attacks are more common in

(A) fat persons
(B) thin persons
(C) lazy people
(D) sportsmen