Oceania is a region made up of thousands of islands throughout the Central and South Pacific Ocean.

Oceania includes Pacific Islands and Australia.

The current population of Oceania is 42,793,988.

Oceania population is equivalent to 0.54% of the total world population.

The population density in Oceania is 5 per k㎡.

The total land area of Oceania (excluding Australia, but including Papua New Guinea and
New Zealand) of approximately 317,700 square miles (822,800 square km).

Oceania includes more than 10,000 islands excluding Australia, but including Papua New
Guinea and New Zealand).

The largest island of Oceania is Australia.

The biggest city of Oceania by population is Sydney (Australia).

The tallest point in Oceania is Puncak Jaya (Indonesia).

The longest river of Oceania is River Murray (Australia).

The largest lake of Oceania is Lake Eyre (Australia).

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