Exams MCQS Vitamins



VitaminFunctionProperties Deficiency Results inSource
Vitamin-AAnti-infective.Essential for healthyskin and aids nightvision.Also assists inbody growth.Within the body canbe synthesized fromcarotene-yellowpigment present infood is stored in theliver.It is soluble infat.Poor growth. rought anddry skin and prone toinfection of the same.-Severe deficiency maycause night blindness.All animal fat,carrots,eggs,mango,papaya.a procots.tomatoes.spinach,cod liver oil,milk.
Vitamin-B Complex Thiamine (B-1)Antineurotic. anti-Beri-beri, health of the nervous system, Steady and continuous release of energy from carbohydrates, anti-pellagra.Destroyed by excessive heat. Helps in Metabolism of carbohydrates.Poor growth, neuritis, Beri-beri. fissures at corners of Mouth and on tongue, skin disease, Pellagra, diarrhea.Brewer’s yeast, cereals, eggs, fruit, liver, meat, pulses.
PhriodoxineProtein Metabolism.Relieves Postradio Nervousness and insomnia. Cereals, fruit, meat,
VitaminFunctionProperties Deficiency Results inProperties Deficiency Results inSource
Vitamin B-6 (Folic Acid) Therapy,Nausea,vomiting. Assists inproduction of redblood cells.Some form ofmacrocytic anaemia.Pulses, Green vegetables, liver.
Cyano Co balam in Vitamin B-12Essential for red blood cell formationCan only be absorbed in the presence of gastric juices, stored in the liver.Perniaois anaemia.Liver and all other food containing Vitamin-B complex e.g; cereals, eggs, pulses.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic-Acid)Formation of bones, teeth and CollagenDestroyed by Cooking in airSore mouth and gums, capillary bleeding. scurvy, delayed healing of wounds.Fresh fruit.(oranges and lemons),cow’s milk. Fresh vegetables.
Vitamin-D (Calciferol)Antirachitic.assists inabsorption andmetabolism ofcalcium andphosphorus,assistsin body growth.Produced in the body by action of sunlight on the skinRickets in children,osteomalacia andosteoporosis adults.Oily fish, dairy products, egg yolk, milk, sun’s rays, butler.

Vitamin-E (Tocophe-rois)
Helps in reproductionand sex.assists cellrespiration,metabolism of fatsand starches. Thought to interfere with reproduction and also cause certain degenerative diseases of the nervous system, liver damage, increased tendency to hemorrhage, also causes abortion. Menstruation irregularities.Wheat germ, milk, cereals, egg yolk, beef, liver, mutton, spinach, soybeans.
Vitamin-K (Menadione)Anti-haernorrhagic, essential for reduction of prothrombin (blood clotting).Delayed clotting of blood, liver damage, increased tendency to hemorrhage. Green leafy vegetables oats. fish. rye. peas.
Vitamin-PFunctions closely with Vitamin-C and helps in its function, keeps blood capillaries healthy. Unhealthy blood capillaries.in almost all sources of Vitamin C like oranges lemons, and other citrus fruit.