Exams MCQS GK MCQS Section-02 (Longest and Largest Rivers Of The World).

GK MCQS Section-02 (Longest and Largest Rivers Of The World).

Rivers are one of the most important parts of our planet’s landscape and have been a major source of water, transport, and biodiversity for centuries. In this part, we’ll look at rivers that have their own unique records. There are different types of MCQS for FPSC, SPSC, PPSC and BPSC.

The second longest river of Africa is Congo located in:

(A) Tanzania
(B) South Africa
(C) Zaire
(D) Brazil

The second largest river of China is:

(A) Huang He River
(B) Yellow River
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) None of these.

The originate point of Volga river is:

(A) Himalayas
(B) Valdai Hills
(C) Altai Mountains
(D) Andes

Which is longest river of Australia?

(A) Darling River
(B) Lachlan River
(C) Murray River
(D) Warrego River

The third longest river of the world is:

(A) Congo River
(B) Indus River
(C) Brahmaputa River
(D) Yangtze River

The outflow of the river Nile is:

(A) Arabian Sea
(B) Mediterranean Sea
(C) Atlantic Ocean
(D) Caspian Sea

Rhine river is located in:

(A) Europe
(B) Russia
(C) China
(D) Jordon

Oder river is famous in _________.

(A) Korea
(B) Sri Lanka
(C) Europe
(D) None of these.

The Mackenzie Delta is located in:

(A) Germany
(B) Egypt
(C) Niger
(D) Canada

The longest river of Europe and Russia is_______________.

(A) Bandama
(B) Zambezi
(C) Don
(D) Volga