Exams MCQS Famous Painter of World

Famous Painter of World

Image represents the painting theme having canvas, paint colors and paint brushes and shows that page is having famous painter of the world.

Exams mcqs is platform which provide information about Famous Painter of World.

Pablo Picasso is famous for his paintings __________ and __________.

(A) Guernica and Bird of Peace

(B) Mona Lisa and last Supper

(C) Sunflower

(D) None of these 

Pablo Picasso was a famous painter from which country?


(B) France

(C) Spain

(D) UAE 

Leonardo da Vinci was a famous painter from which country?


(B) France

(C) Spain

(D) Italy 

Leonardo da Vinci is famous for his paintings __________ and __________.

(A) Guernica and Bird of Peace

(B) Mona Lisa and last Supper

(C) Sunflower

(D) None of these

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