Exams MCQS Longest and Largest Rivers Of The World

Longest and Largest Rivers Of The World

Our earth has many rivers some are smallest, longest and largest rivers of the world, Exams mcqs is platform which provide the information about the longest and largest rivers of countries and continents in this section.

The image represents the theme which is river and the text describes that here you will find largest and longest rivers of the world.

  1. Largest River in the World by Volume is: Amazon.
  2. Longest River in the World is: Nile
  3. Largest River of Asia Continent is: Yangtze in (China)Largest River of Africa Continent is: Nile (Run Through 11 countries)
  4. The largest River of South America Continent is: Amazon (Run Through 7 Countries)
  5. Largest River of North America Continent is: Mississippi (Run Through 7 States Largest River of Europe Continent is: Volga (Russian)
  6. Largest River of Australia Continent is: Murray River
  7. Longest River of Antarctica Continent is: Onyx River
  8. Longest River of Pakistanis: Indus River
  9. Longest River of China is: Yangtze River
  10. Longest River of India is: Ganga River
  11. Longest River of Iran is: Kārūn River
  12. Longest River of Afghanistan is: Helmand River
  13. Longest River of Germany is: Danube River
  14. Longest River of Russia is: Volga River
  15. Longest River of England is: River Severn
  16. Longest River of Turkey is: Kizilirmak (Halys) River
  17. Longest River of France is: Loire River
  18. Longest River in Japan is: Shinano River

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